
Monday, 18 July 2011: Change Your Paradigm Part 2

Just because a certain method has always worked doesn't mean you shouldn't relook at it to see if it can be improved or tweaked to maximize returns. Willingness to change and adapt is better than blindly following the masses into oblivion. Take training methodologies for example, ever since I've started CrossFit I've constantly changed my programming to fit my needs. I keep the things that work and discard the rest. Plus my training goals are constantly changing year to year so I have to keep my programming fresh and pushing my limits. You can even see change in CrossFit Endurance's programming--they now include strength specific training because they've realized the benefits of training adaptations to this form of programming.

Change is one of the reasons why I followed CrossFit Lorton's programming last week. I wanted to see what Steve's programming had to offer. He does a great job incorporating a lot of strength work into his WODs. He really understands the Westside Method and how to include accessory work into the WODs. I just wish the time domains for his WODs were a little longer.

So change the way you approach your training. Adaptation is the key to getting better.

Dynamic Effort: Sumo Deadlift
10 x 2 @ 60% 1RM; on the minute, every minute

5 Rounds
5 Clean and Jerk, 155#
15 Kettlebell Swings, 1.5 pood
25 Push Ups

I'm not sure making the statement to only train with a 2 pood kettlebell like Dan Bailey was such a good idea. But I did hold up to my end of the bargain and did the WOD with a 2 pood. Definitely made the WOD a little tougher. But my sights are on the horizon and not what's immediately in front of me, because I know training with a 2 pood will make everything else seem lighter when I do Rx.

Strength: 245#
WOD: 20:59

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