
Wednesday, 27 April 2011

3 Sets:
3 Muscle Snatches + 3 OHS
5 Sets:
2 Snatches from the floor

5 Rounds for time:
400m Run
15 OHS, 95#

Post loads and time to comments.

Skill: @65#
I went lighter on the skill set since I was using it strictly as a warm up for the WOD. I didn't want to burn out on the skill portion since the WOD included OHS.

WOD: 22:46
In hindsight I should have scaled the weight to 85#. This WOD should have been fast and furious and definitely under 20 minutes. I had to slog through the OHS, which wasn't the goal for the WOD. My pace during the run was significantly slower during rounds 4 and 5. Ideally I should have been able to maintain a steady pace throughout, which tells me the weight was too much for the OHS.

I'm having a difficult time determining what I need to scale. I take pride that I do most WODs as Rx'd, but that might not be the goal of the WOD. I need to really start taking a look at the ideal time domain for the WOD and scale as necessary. The goal should focus on power, speed, and stamina. If I'm unable to maintain the same pace through the entire WOD, then I need to scale. Just like taking my running back to square one where I need to focus on speed; I need to do the same with my CF WODs. Swallow the pride and focus on the time domain instead of the weight. Use the strength days to build strength and the metcon days to build speed, power, and stamina. It's time to check the ego.

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