
Tuesday, 26 April 2011

6 Sets:
3-Position Clean + Push Press
3-Position Clean + Push Jerk
3-Position Clean + Split Jerk

8min AMRAP
4 Handstand Push Ups
8 Kettlebell Swings, 2 pood
12 GHD Sit Ups

Post loads and rounds/reps to comments.

Skill: @85#
WOD: 6 rounds + 7 Abmat
Stayed with Rx weight since it was only 8 reps. I did a few sets of HSPUs back-to-wall and they seemed more difficult to do even though I was kipping. It was much harder for me to stabilize in a broken/bowed position. I should have stayed with chest-to-wall HSPUs, but since I was fatiguing I thought I could cycle faster by kipping. Guess I was wrong. All KBS and sit ups were unbroken. I was surprised I didn't break the KBS, but I was only doing 8 reps. If it was a higher rep WOD, I would have probably scaled the weight, but it was a good feeling to do Rx weight. I know I'm going to have a difficult time scaling future WODs. I just have to figure out the ideal time domain and scale the weight appropriately.

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