3 Sets:
3 Muscle Snatches + 3 OHS
5 Sets:
2 Snatches from the floor
5min Rest
Three rounds for time:
30 KBS, 1.5 pood
25 Wall Ball Shots, 20#
20 Pull Ups
Post loads and time to comments.
Muscle Snatches + OHS @ 85#
Snatches @ 95#
The CF Endurance seminar this past weekend helped me realize that I need to start scaling my WODs again. Grant came to this conclusion after his Level 1 cert, but I was hesitant to accept it since I've been doing Rx for awhile now. I've been really thinking about "starting over" especially since the CFE seminar stressed "starting from scratch" LSD runners into the CFE methodology. It really hit home with today's WOD. This one should have taken me less than 10 minutes. Although it's a decent time, each time I dropped the ball or kettlebell is a sign that my stamina is lacking, especially since I didn't go balls out at the beginning. I'm going to start scaling my "goat" movements like kettlebell swings, wall balls, box jumps. Once I start nailing the WODs in less time with near perfect technique is when I need to increase the weight. I need to swallow my pride and focus on improving my power, speed, and stamina. 3-2-1-GO! (just with scaled versions on my goats).
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