
Tuesday, 19 April 2011

6 Sets:
3-position clean + push press
3-position clean + push jerk
3-position clean + split jerk
5min Rest

30 Squat Clean and Jerk, 155#

Post loads and time to comments.

Oly Bias: First 2 rounds @ 75#, remaining @ 95#

I could have gone faster if I was racing against someone. But since I was alone, I focused on hip extension, powerful shrug, and pull under the bar. I tried to extend by thrusting my hips forward and leaning back slightly to get the most powerful hip extension. It seemed to work since I didn't miss any of the cleans. I did the first 2 jerks as push jerks, but as I fatigued I switched to split jerks. My split jerks started to look questionable as I began to fatigue. I tried to do five at a time before I would rechalk or take a longer break. After 20, I started doing 2 at a time and taking my longer break. I wanted under 15, but I'm still happy with the end result. Not bad for having heavy box squats from yesterday.

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