
Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Burgener warm-up
6 sets:
3-position clean + push press
3-position clean + push jerk
3-position clean + split jerk
5min Rest
20 minute AMRAP:
10 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
10 GHD/Abmat Sit Ups
10 Back extensions/Good mornings

Post loads and times to comments.

Had to skip the Oly Bias due to time constraints.

15 rounds + 8 WBS (Unbroken!)
I initially completed 4 rounds before athletes started showing up to CF Lorton. Since I was watching the gym for Steve, I thought it best to stop and greet the new folks. This meant I had to restart the WOD once the athletes were done with their WOD. When I did restart, I definitely felt it in my legs. Initially I did good mornings since there is only 1 GHD. When I restarted, I switched to GHD back extensions which went much faster than the good mornings. I also made it a goal to do all rounds unbroken. My goats are unbroken wall balls and box jumps, so this WOD gave me the oppotunity to do all my WBS unbroken. Goal attained!

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