
Monday, 3 October 2011: Nutrition

What's in a good nutrition plan? Real food for one. Correct portion sizes is also helpful.

So many people are looking for the Silver Bullet diet--the one that only requires you to drink a shake or two and the pounds just melt away. Sorry, but there's no such magical elixir out there that can do that and be healthy. The best way to eat healthy and to drop fat all at the same time is to eat real food, in the right portions, and to splurge every now and then.

Every healthy fat loss diet requires you to have a cheat day. It helps satisfy cravings, plus it kicks your metabolism into high gear because it's not used to processing that kind of food all the time. The issue arises when you eat crap food all the time. Your body gets used to the huge insulin spikes and starts storing more fat. When your body isn't used to the huge insulin spikes, it works overtime to process it correctly.

As for potential nutrition plans that are healthy, there is the Paleo and Zone diets. Each has their pros and cons, but it's up to you to figure out which works best for you. The bottom line is that you educate yourself and good nutrition. You have to eliminate or limit the amount of processed foods in your diet--breads, pastas, etc. Increase the amount of complex carbs--vegetables and fruits. Increase the amount of protein--chicken, turkey, pork, fish. Increase the amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats--nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Increase your Omega-3 intake--fish oil, walnuts, and flaxseed oil. Get rid of the candy and sugar--save these for your splurge day. You should eat until you're full. And when you're full, guess what? Stop eating. When you get hungry--typically 3-4 hours after eating--eat again until you're full. Simple isn't it? It really is.

Just by changing the types of food you eat and eating more frequently will have dramatic changes on your body composition. It'll kick your metabolism into gear and increase your energy levels. Don't be afraid that you eat too much, because it takes more fruits and vegetables to equal the same about of carbs as a slice of bread or a bowl of pasta. And always, ALWAYS drink lots of water. Typically you should be drinking half your bodyweight in ounces of water everyday as a baseline for proper hydration. Increase your water intake with exercise. Additionally, having 8-16oz of water with every meal will help fill you up. So get rid of that soft drink or sport drink and chug some water.

If this seems overwhelming, then just choose one thing I've suggested and try it for a week. Start out with the water. Then maybe take out the breads and pastas in your diet. Tackle it one thing at a time and before you know it, you're making healthier decisions and that's what it's really all about. Enjoy healthy eating.

5x1 Deadlift
3 Rounds of 4min on, 1min off:
3 Power Cleans, 135#
6 Pull Ups
9 Squats

226 reps

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