
Monday, 17 October 2011: Motivation

Mandatory versus voluntary. It's much easier to find motivation when an activity is voluntary. Of course you are going to find joy in something that you want to do. If you didn't like what you were doing, then you wouldn't be there doing it. It's much harder to find motivation when it involves an activity that you don't want to do. Think about all the people out there that hate working out or going to the gym. They only do it because they believe going to the gym and doing something--even if it's not effective--will help them lose weight, become healthier, or become fitter. They don't go because they love it, they go because they feel they have to. Without motivation, they will never feel the passion of wanting to accomplish something. Without motivation, they will never feel the drive of attaining a goal. Without motivation to commit to their fitness, they will never know that a community exists that fuels these passions and drive.

CrossFit is populated by people who discovered their motivation to commit to becoming fitter and healthier. It's populated by former P90Xers, by former Insanity enthusiasts, by soccer moms, by kids, by military people; all who are motivated to living a healthier lifestyle. This self-motivation may have been easy to find it may have been hard to find, but they found it. They discovered that if nobody else was going to motivate them, they had to do it themselves.

Motivation is an internal thing. It's your attitude that determines your motivation regardless if your activity is mandatory or voluntary. Find out what motivates you. And when you do, find out why it motivates you. Then apply that to everything you do. You'll notice that suddenly you're a little more motivated to do things you never thought you'd do. And that's a huge step in the right direction.

No WOD today. Feeling extremely under the weather--as witnessed by my absence from blogging the past several days. Will start posting WODs again when I'm finally rid of this cold/flu.

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