
Monday, 19 September 2011: MCI

Mechanics, consistency, intensity (MCI). Only with this progression and in this order will you make strides in CrossFit.

So many people get WOD Drunk (see link to article for full definition of WOD Drunk) and finish WODs with horrible technique just to get a good time. If you do this, you're just training your body to perform inefficiently. And sooner or later you're going to injure yourself.

Wasn't one of the reasons why we liked CrossFit was that it stressed mechanics over everything else? Why have we gotten to the point where we let athletes have terrible form just so they can post a faster time? Where's the accountability? There are several schools of thought that either stress strength before anything else or stress technique over anything else. The basic premise of focusing on strength is that when you are stronger, you are able to lift more weight, which makes metcons easier. The problem with this is that you may be able to lift more weight, but your technique may be horrible and you're actually expending more energy to lift the weight inefficiently. Although you may get a faster time, because the weight is easier to lift, you'll be unable to lift maximal loads because your technique is off.

Technique/mechanics is the foundation of ALL CrossFit WODs. If you don't have the mechanics down, you should not be adding weight. Nail the mechanics, and you'll nail the movement no matter what the load. Focusing on proper mechanics will take you further than focusing on brute strength. As your technique improves, you'll be able to lift more weight, which then leads to you getting stronger. Proper mechanics will make every movement feel easy--depending on the load of course. It's understandable that mechanics will break down under maximal loads and after fatigue sets in, but proper mechanics still start off the movement. Only after you perform proper mechanics consistently should you even consider increasing the load. And when you do, you'll see how easy the movement is.

For time:
Box Jumps, 24"
Handstand Push Ups
Pull Ups


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